Casino Location Witcher 3

3/16/2022by admin
'The Gangs of Novigrad'
Secondary quest
Suggested level
200 / 300
Get Junior
Count Reuven's Treasure
An Eye for an Eye

The Gangs of Novigrad is one of the secondary quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

During the quest 'Get Junior' and 'Gangs of Novigrad', players have the option to go in loud with the dwarves, or play Gwent to progress in Whoreson Junior's Casino. Would choosing the Gwent option unlock Gwent cards for the player? Or is it played only for the crowns? Thinking of getting the dwarves' help if the only reward is a couple of crowns with the Gwent option. This three-story building situated in The Bits district of Novigrad hosts the biggest illegal clandestine casino of the city.

Journal entry[edit edit source]

Casino Location Witcher 3Location
When Geralt entered the Novigrad bathhouse, he happened to walk in on a meeting of the head of the city's criminal underworld. Becoming an unwitting participant in their conversation, he learned of the conflict between the triumvirate made up of the King of Beggars, Sigi Reuven and Carlo 'Cleaver' Varese on the one hand, and Whoreson Junior and the unknown powers backing him on the other. Cleaver in particular wanted Whoreson gone and offered Geralt help in finding and getting to the bastard, which suited Geralt's interests. They say hands aplenty make the light work, and Geralt had every reason to believe this applied to gang warfare as much as it did to cleaning a barn, so he graciously accepted the gangster's offer.
Geralt did not find Whoreson during his search with Cleaver's men, but do not think his time was wasted. The witcher smashed his way through a fair number of public mingling spaces and slaughtered a great many armed men of diverse social backgrounds, gaining in the doing a unique look at the complications of daily life in the Novigrad underworld. Enriched with this knowledge, Geralt continued his search for Whoreson alone.

Walkthrough[edit edit source]

Witcher 3 casino location map
  • Think over Cleaver's offer to help you find Whoreson Junior
  • Talk to Cleaver
  • Meet with his henchmen and wreck the casino and arena
  • Return to Cleaver

Notes[edit edit source]

  • It is necessary to follow this quest all the way through before branching off to one of the related quests. In particular, players should not follow the Get Junior questline while working for Cleaver! (The 'Get Junior' quest is updated during this quest causing the quest tracker to suddenly switch to this questline.).
  • You can investigate Junior's house though, before proceeding with The Gangs of Novigrad, which is focused on the casino and the arena.
  • Geralt should meet Cleaver's henchmen and do as it was agreed. You may need to look around for them, e.g. when about to visit the arena.
  • If Geralt enters the arena without meeting the dwarven bandits, he will not get the full reward from Cleaver, even if he later joins the fighting dwarves and wrecks the casino, too.
  • After you clear the arena of Junior's things, you can investigate the area for clues about Whoreson Junior, before talking to Cleaver.
  • The quest will fail if the player does not talk to Cleaver.
  • The quest will fail if the player talks to Radovid and Vernon.

Video[edit edit source]

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Armorers are craftsmen that make and repair armor in The Witcher 3. They craft advanced armor sets if you provide them with the diagrams and the materials.In this guide, we’re going to show you all Witcher 3 armorer locations, along with the skill levels of the armorsmiths. New armorers may appear in abandoned settlements after you’ve freed them. We also have a guide to help you find a Master Armorer.

Casino Location Witcher 3 Console Commands

White Orchard Armorers

There is an amateur armorer near the tavern in White Orchard.

Velen Armorers

An amateur can be found in Midcopse, in the south of Velen.

Witcher 3 Casino Location Map

There’s a journeyman armorer in Crow’s Perch, a bit before the Baron’s residence.

Another journeyman armorer can be found in Oxenfurt, in the northern part of town.

Novigrad Armorers

You can find a journeyman armorer in Hierarch’s Square, next to Vivaldi’s bank.

Skellige Armorers

Urialla Harbor on An Skellig has an amateur armorer, near the coast.
Larvik, on Hindjarsfall is home to an amateur armorer as well.

Witcher 3 Casino Location

There’s a journeyman armorer in Kaer Muire, the fort in the south-west of Ard Skellig.

Casino Location Witcher 3 Cheats

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