Should Texas Legalize Casino Gambling

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Should Texas Legalize Casino Gambling

Let Texans Decide argues that legalizing casino-style gambling in Texas would bring $8.5 billion in economic growth not just to local communities, but to the entire state. Additionally, 75,000 jobs would be added in the Lone Star State, the group claims. The Legislature should again beat back any efforts to legalize casino gambling. Some Texans seem enthralled by the mountains of cash that casinos would generate, but that's short-sighted.

Leaders in the horse racing industry are heading up the charge to bring casino-style gambling to Texas and many Lone Star State residents are behind them. The horse racing business continues to decline in Texas, and many Lone Star State residents claim that legalizing casino-style gambling would help revitalize the once-booming industry.

Racing brought $5.5 billion to the Texas economy per year at the industry’s peak. But now the horse industry has largely moved from Texas to neighboring states offering higher purses and large, casino-stylegambling. According to the Texas Racing Commission, horse racing attendance in the state dropped 12 percent and wagers dropped 23 percent in 2011. Meanwhile, the horse racing industry in Oklahoma has expanded significantly in recent years, bringing the state $3.6 billion in revenue during 2012 alone.

CEO of Sam Houston Race Park, Andrea Young, told the Sugar Land Sun, “How can we compete with surrounding states where the horses can compete for two to three times the amount of money in Louisiana or Oklahoma? Absent any new revenue, the ways we were going to do that was cutting our supply, allowing us to have more revenue to spread over shorter times.”

Young and a growing group of Texans plan to push for the legalization of casino-style gambling in Texas.

Let Texans Decide, a group “focused on urging the state legislature to provide our citizens with the opportunity to vote on legalizing gaming,” will be key in that effort. A spokesperson from the group told Breitbart Texas, “Due to legislative inaction, over $4 billion will be spent by Texans this year in neighboring states before the next legislative session begins.”

Indeed, Texans spend billions gambling in neighboring states per year. Both Louisiana and Oklahoma house numerous, expansive Vegas-style casino resorts that attract large crowds from around the U.S.

Let Texans Decide argues that legalizing casino-style gambling in Texas would bring $8.5 billion in economic growth not just to local communities, but to the entire state. Additionally, 75,000 jobs would be added in the Lone Star State, the group claims.

Republican State Rep. Allen Fletcher said Texans should get a chance to vote on the issue. He told the Sugar Land Sun, “We’ve never had the opportunity, as legislatures in the state of Texas, to cast a vote allowing the people of Texas to vote. I’ve heard many times that people have said they want this in our area, and I’ve always said it’s your decision. If I get the opportunity to put it on the ballot, I will.”

Earl Grinols, an expert on the impacts of gambling legislation and a professor at Baylor University, claims that research measuring gambling’s cost and benefits reveals thatsociety is better off without gambling.

He said that legislators often claim the state will make money by taxing gambling. But Grinols found that for every one dollar of benefits from gambling, society loses three dollars on costs such as law enforcement and social services.

“People have committed crime up to and including murder and committed suicide as a result of gambling,” Grinols said. “Casinos sometimes levy lawsuits against people to collect gambling debts. In certain cases, people are losing their homes overgambling.” In his view, crime, debts, suicide, and loss of housing cost the state more than it makes fromgambling.

Tony McDonald, General Counsel for the political advocacy group Empower Texans, agreed that there are significant negative societal impacts that come with the legalization of casino-style gambling. He told Breitbart Texas, “The gambling industry sells false hope for people who don’t understand probabilities. The industry is designed to dazzle people and trick them out of their money. They give the free drinks for a reason–they want you to stick around. The longer you stay, the more likely you are to lose your money.”

It is often the poorest and most vulnerable in society who are gamed by such false hope, McDonald said.

McDonald noted that a lot of conservatives claim to be pro-gambling because they see it as a free market issue. Texans shouldn’t be fooled, he argued–the legalization of gambling will inevitably invite the expansion of regulatory schemes. “The problem is, when we talk about gambling, we’re not talking about getting together in a room and having a poker game,” he said. “We’re not talking about a free activity in the market.Gambling is one of the most regulated industries in the U.S. By legalizing gambling, you’re creating another stake holder in government.”

He joked, “Battleground Texas would love nothing more than a cash cow of casinos to fund liberal Democrats.”

Texas is currently only one of ten states that do not allow casino-style gambling. The state’s deeply-rooted Baptist roots likely made the population more resistant to gambling than other states, McDonald said.

Still, gambling has recently taken the U.S. by storm. 20 years ago, gambling was only legal in two states–now, some form of gambling is legal in 48 states.

“The reason we haven’t turned, along with so many other states, is that we’re more conservative,” McDonald said. “We’re not dashing after every little glitzy promise of prosperity. We stick to wise public policy.”

Grinols said, “Texas is doing well economically such that it doesn’t need gambling. Of all the jobs that President Obama has created during his time in office, Texas has created more than the rest of the states combined. Gambling needs Texas much more than Texas needs gambling.”

Follow Kristin Tate on Twitter @KristinBTate.

Persuasive Speech Outline

Legalizing Casino Gambling in Texas
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my class about why legalizing casino gambling in Texas is for the better. Thesis Statement: Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. Organizational Pattern: Problem-Solution

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Should Texas Legalize Casino Gambling Laws

I. Did you know that gambling generates more revenue than movies, spectator sports, theme parks, cruise ships and recorded music combined (“Statistics gambling facts,”)? II. Regardless of your opinion of gambling, the legalization of casino gambling is important because of all the benefits it will bring for the citizens of Texas.

III. Jim Pitts, Texas House Appropriations Chairman, said that legalized casinos in Texas could bring in one billion dollars in the first two years and about four billion dollars each subsequent year (Stutz, 2010). IV. Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. V. First, the state of Texas loses much needed revenue to other states.

Second, legalized gambling would ensure the underworld would not be in power. Third, we will discuss what you can do to aid in legalizing casino gambling and solving the fore-mentioned problems. (To begin, we need to look at the current economic problems in Texas.)

I. First of all, the Lone Star state would greatly be able to advance her economy if we legalized casino gambling.

A. Texas is losing billions of dollars in revenue that could be used to relieve society’s social and economic problems.

Should Texas Legalize Casino Gambling Losses

A.1. According to, Texas residents are spending an outrageous 2.5 billion dollars at casinos located in our border states, such as Louisiana and Oklahoma (“Texans spend $2.5,” 2011). A.1.a. Texas residents’ vacation at other states and spend money at the casinos, hotels, gas stations and restaurants. Why should we go to other states and spend money there when we should be spending it in our own state? A.1.b. If casinos were legal in Texas, tourists would visit Texas and spend money, which would enrich our economy. A.2. Legalizing casino gambling would create more jobs, thus lowering the unemployment rate. A.2.a. This would lead to people not relying on social welfare programs provided by the government. A.2.b. Therefore, it would alleviate the budget allocated to welfare, which means the state could spend that money on education and other much needed programs. B. Furthermore, Texas would be able to tax the casinos.

B.1. Legalizing gambling would let Texas collect tax revenue from casinos and those who profit from playing.

B.1.a. The government could tax the casinos higher because Texas charges extra for sin taxes.

B.1.b. People who gamble also have to pay a certain portion of their earnings to the federal government.

B.2. In addition, Texas could collect revenue from licenses the casino owners would need to possess in order to stay in business. (Next, we need to look at the how illegal gambling creates criminals, which hurts society.) II. The legalization of gambling would bring the underworld of illegal gambling to a rest.

A. When I lived in Brownsville, Texas, I recall hearing a news story about a large group of people getting arrested for illegal casino gambling like they have committed a heinous crime. (Vela, 2012) A.1. If casino gambling were legal numerous people would not be in jail for something that is legal in numerous states next to us. A.2. Also, legalizing casino gambling would give the power of regulating casinos to the state as opposed to unauthorized individuals.

B. Legalizing casino gambling would mean that less time and money is wasted searching for illegal gaming arenas. B.1. Police effort could be focused more on other serious criminal issues, like solving murder, rather than gambling. B.2. Legalizing casino gambling would keep so called criminals out of jail and lessen the number of people in the prison system. (There is hope for solving the problems that arise because gambling is illegal.) III. Third, there are solutions to help solve the problems that come from not legalizing casino gambling.

A. Residents of the state of Texas need to petition to their local representatives.

A.1. You can write or call your local representative and express how you think legalizing casinos will help reduce crime and increase revenue for the state.

Should Texas Legalize Casino Gambling Sports Betting

A.2. Gather friends to contact their representatives because a large majority can have the issue placed on election ballots.

B. Once the issue is placed on the ballot, we need to vote for legalizing casinos.

B.1. People need to become informed of the positives of legalizing gambling

B.2. Finally, they should vote for legalizing.

(Legalizing casino gambling is the best for Texas.)

I. To review, Texas does not allow casino gambling.

A. Texas has lost billions of dollars in revenue to other states.

B. In addition, illegal gambling has given crime lords power of controlling gaming set up in illegal casinos.

Should Texas Legalize Casino Gambling Winnings

C. Nevertheless, Texas can solve this issue by legalizing casino gambling.

II. Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. III. Since there are no casinos in Texas, I will be driving six hours to Louisiana. If gambling were legal I would not have to make such a long journey. So lets save ourselves the trouble of having to drive all the way to Louisiana and lets try to convince our state government to legalize casino gambling.

Reference List
Statistics gambling facts & stats. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Stutz, H. (2010, May 13). Texas legislator pushes legalized gaming as budget salve. Retrieved from

Texas Legalizing Casino Gambling

Texans spend $2.5 billion gambling in our neighboring states every year. (2011, April 19). Retrieved from

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